Madusha Lakmal Malaviarachchi

This is a decentralized website


Madusha Lakmal

I am a Web Developer. I did my B.Tech in Multimedia and web technology degree at University of Vocational Technology . I’m Interested in Web and Mobile Technologies, Decentralized Networks,Data Science,Digital Marketing,Video Production and Photography

I have been interested in learning new things about science since I was a child. I am also very interested in art .Music is my favorite art form. I strongly believe that there is art in every science and science in every art.I love learning new things and I’m very interested in the latest trends in the rapidly changing world of technology. “Living is about making the most of time.” It Is the motto of my life.

I love to share what I know and learn what I do not know. so I use the web ,social media and mass media to share my experience and knowledge.


  • HTML 98% 98%
  • PHP 95% 95%
  • Python 80% 80%
  • MySQL 80% 80%
  • CSS 70% 70%
  • Java Script 70% 70%
  • ASP.NET 70% 70%
  • Laravel 80% 80%
  • React 60% 60%
  • Django 60% 60%
  • Postgresql 60% 60%
  • AWS 60% 60%
  • Docker 50% 50%
  • Flutter 60% 60%
  • Wordpress 80% 80%


